Opkikker Benefietgala

Visual Design


Ted Voorend
Kelly Loup

Campagne website of foundation Opkikker Benefietgala

On September 25, 2016 Foundation Opkikker organized for the second time thhe Opkikker Gala. In collaboration with Frank Wentink has developed a fantastic show, where talented ‘Opkikker’ Children participated. Many of these children have to deal daily with their disease. More information about Foundation Opkikker can be found at opkikker.nl

The goal of the campaign website was to properly convey the information of the event to the visitor. For this, we created a one-pager. This is a website where most all the information is on one single page. Advantages is that the visitor does not have to search for information, but can be found on the same page.

Video of the Opkikker gala 2016 event.

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